2007年3月26日 星期一


日本個邊做哂啦!!!!! 可憐的我還未看
很想看 很想日夜不停煲 瘋狂看我最愛的NANA
i cant do it becox of de fucking HKAL
Dr. tann taught us
"if we examine the situation from another angle,
we would see things from a diff. perspective."
Yet ....it may be true
now i only can do is that concentrate and brave the fucking XXXX
otherwise i "may" regret and cannot get return
but my life,my future is  contolled only by the fucking XXXX ma!!!??
i dont think so but i can only keep on ..... keep on de frustrating life

i remember that i have just watched this chapter
even if i have read the comics,i'm still looking forwards
after 26/4, i can KILL all of them!!

